Corso Test English for Aviation - TEA | Scuola di Volo | Elifriulia

Dopo aver visitato alcune scuole ho scelto Elifriulia. Mi sono trovato fin da subito in un ambiente famigliare e professionale. Avere l’occasione di volare con istruttori che svolgono molteplici attività come Elisoccorso e AIB ha dato quel qualcosa in più alla formazione. Sono molto contento di aver partecipato a numerose attività che mi hanno aiutato a conoscere questo fantastico mondo a 360 gradi grazie ai numerosi servizi offerti dall’azienda

Denis D. - 29 anni
Helicopter Flight Instructor in Elifriulia



 TEA Centre No.99
The Test of English for Aviation is managed and administered by Mayflower College and:
    • meets the ICAO English Language Proficiency Requirements (LPR’s) for licensing purposes;
    • is approved by the UK Civil Aviation Authority and many other national authorities (it’s accepted by ENAC – Italian CAA);
    • assesses spoken and listening ability according to the ICAO Rating Scale.
T.E.A. is:
    • A test of plain English in an aviation context for licensing purposes – not a test of aviation phraseology;
    • A test of ability to communicate in English – not a test of operational knowledge;
    • A face-to-face, human interaction test with 1 examiner who asks questions for detailed responses;
    • A 25 – 30 minute test that consists of 3 parts.
TEA examiners are familiar with aviation and are sometimes pilots or controllers. Nevertheless there are no extra marks to be gained from talking about correct operational procedures. Equally, nothing is lost by not knowing about a particular area of operations. TEA tests plain English, not phraseology – the ICAO language standards have been introduced to improve communication when phraseology is insufficient.
For more information, to know the date of the next exam session or to register, contact the TEA administrator at the following email address:
The following information is given to candidates about each section:
SECTION ONE: Introduction & Experience-related Interview (7 – 8 minutes)
You will be asked a series of questions related to your role in aviation, and then to a specific aviation-related topic. There are no right or wrong answers – show you understand the questions by responding to them directly and fully. The examiner will ask you further questions, to encourage you to talk more about some of the things you mention in your responses.
SECTION TWO:  Interactive Comprehension (8-12 minutes)
There are 3 parts – 2A, 2B and 2C. In each part, you will listen to a series of recordings of international speakers of English. Recordings will only be played once unless you ask for repetition. You cannot hear recordings a third time. If you need to listen again to check something you missed or didn’t understand first time, please do ask for repetition. Be aware that regular repetition will suggest that your Comprehension is slower and this may affect your Comprehension score.
In Part 2A, you will hear 6 recordings in which a pilot or controller is talking in a non-routine aviation situation. After each recording, you should show you understand the situation fully by reporting your answers to 2 questions:  “what was the message?”, and “who do you think was speaking, a pilot or a controller?”. You will be given a Task Card to remind you of these 2 questions. The examiner will ask you to “report what you can”. You should show that you understood the situation by reporting it either in your own words or using the words in the recording.  All the information in the situation is important.  This includes stating what the message was and who was speaking (whether it was a pilot or controller). If you do not give all of the information, it will affect your score.
In Part 2B, you will hear 4 longer recordings in which a pilot or controller describes a problem, says what they need, and gives some extra details. The examiner will give you a pen for you to take notes on the Task Card. You need to report the message as fully as possible – the more details you can provide, the better. You should describe the problem, say what the speaker needs and give any extra details that you can. If you do not give all of the information, it will affect your score.
In Part 2C, you will hear 3 short recordings in more general, non-routine situations. After each recording, you have 20 seconds to ask the speaker questions to find out more about the situation. Show you understand the situation by asking as many relevant questions as you can.
The examiner will also ask you if you have any advice to give the speaker: again, show you understand the situation by giving some relevant advice.
SECTION THREE: Picture Description and Discussion (10 minutes)
Picture Description:
You will be given 2 connected pictures to describe and compare. You will be shown the first picture and asked to describe it, and you will be given 30 seconds to speak. You will then be shown a second picture and asked some questions about it.  Finally you will be asked some questions about both pictures.
You will take part in an interactive discussion of general aviation topics related to the pictures, and how aviation affects the wider world.  The examiner will discuss these topics with you to allow you to show your ability to give opinions, speculate about the future and justify your ideas.
Who is TEA for?
TEA is suitable for professional, private or student pilots (aeroplane or helicopter), professional or student controllers, FISOs and radio operators. It is your responsibility to check that your licence-issuing authority accepts a TEA certificate from the TEA Centre where you take the test.
What kind of results are given?
The test performance is scored according to the ICAO Language Proficiency Rating Scale. Only your test performance is considered by the examiners and so they cannot consider any aspect of previous experience or previous test scores as relevant. You will be given a score from 1 to 6 for your performance in Pronunciation, Structure, Vocabulary, Fluency, Comprehension and Interactions. The Overall Score (the ICAO Level) will be the lowest of these scores (which is a mandatory ICAO requirement). All of the scores are recorded on the certificate.
When will I receive my certificate?
Once your performance has been assessed and once the test has been checked for examiner standards, your certificate will be emailed from TEA Mayflower headquarters to the candidate within 10 working days of your test date.
When can I take the TEA exam in Elifriulia Centre No.99?
In our centre, exam sessions are held only on Saturdays (morning and afternoon) with a monthly or bimonthly frequency depending on requests. For further details on the next exam session it is necessary to contact the TEA Centre No.99 administrator Mr. Matteo Piovesan.
How much does the TEA exam cost?
The total cost of the exam at our centre is € 200,00 all included (€ 145,00 for the TEA exam as defined by Mayflower College + € 55,00 administration fee). Payment must be made before the exam.
For more technical information about TEA and to listen some exam examples, you can consult the dedicated section of the Mayflower College website at the following link:


HEMS Pilot H145 (m/f)

HEMS Pilot EC135 (m/f)

Helicopter Technician H145 (m/f)

Helicopter Technician EC135 (m/f)



    *campi di compilazione obbligatori

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    In caso di match positivo, uno dei nostri Head Of ti contatterà entro 15gg lavorativi.

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