Elifriulia | Safety first priority in all our activities

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Questione di sicurezza: Safety Policy

Safety is the first priority in all our activities.

We are committed to implementing, developing and improving strategies, management systems and processes to ensure that all our aviation activities uphold the highest level of safety performance and meet national and international standards.

Our commitment is to:

a) Recognise safety as a primary responsibility of all managers and staff;
b) Develop and embed a safety culture in all our aviation activities that recognizes the importance and value of effective aviation safety management as a primary responsibility of all managers and staff and acknowledges at all times that safety is paramount;
c) Clearly define for all staff their accountabilities and responsibilities for the development and delivery of aviation safety strategy and performance;
d) Establish and operate hazard identification and risk management processes, including a hazards reporting system, in order to eliminate or mitigate the safety risks resulting from our operations or activities, to a point which is as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP);
e) Ensure that externally supplied systems and services that impact upon the safety of our operations meet appropriate safety standards;
f) Actively develop and improve our safety processes to conform to world-class standards;
g) Comply with and, wherever possible, exceed legislative and regulatory requirements and standards;
h) Ensure that sufficient skilled and trained resources are available to implement safety strategy and policy;
i) Ensure that all staff are provided with adequate and appropriate aviation safety information and training, are competent in safety matters and are only allocated tasks commensurate with their skills;
j) Establish and measure our safety performance against realistic objectives and/or targets;
k) Achieve the highest levels of safety standards and performance in all our aviation activities;
l) Continually improve our safety performance;
m) Conduct safety and management reviews and ensure that relevant action is taken; and
n) Ensure that the application of effective aviation safety management systems is integral to all our aviation activities, with the objective of achieving the highest levels of safety standards and performance.
o) Ensure that no action will be taken against any staff member who discloses a safety concern through the hazards reporting system, unless such disclosure reveals, beyond any reasonable doubt, an illegal act, gross negligence, or a deliberate or willful disregard of regulations or procedures.


HEMS Pilot H145 (m/f)

HEMS Pilot EC135 (m/f)

Helicopter Technician H145 (m/f)

Helicopter Technician EC135 (m/f)



    *campi di compilazione obbligatori

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